Ответ на сообщение Re: к HIteck-общинному строю! пользователя Wild_Koshka
да не буду я ничего говорить про "правду", даже читать не стану а то если я приведу ссылку на газету Правда, Вы скажите, что это пропаганда.
теперь надеваем галоши и пробираемся к первоисточнику: Из газеты New York Times:Depleted Uranium in Kosovo, отчёт миссии оон по окружающей среде (unep). можно вдаваться в детали, можно не вдаваться и сразу читать выводы (стр.25):
U.N. Reports Finding Radioactivity at Sampled Sites in Kosovo Struck by NATO Munitions
"1. There was no detectable, widespread contamination of the ground surface by depleted
uranium. This means that any widespread contamination is present in such low levels that
it cannot be detected or differentiated from the natural uranium concentration found in
rocks and soil. The corresponding radiological and toxicological risks are insignificant and
even non-existent.
2. Detectable ground surface contamination by DU is limited to areas within a few metres
of penetrators and localised points of concentrated contamination (‘contamination points’)
caused by penetrator impacts. A number of contamination points were identified by the
mission but most of these were found to be only slightly contaminated. The majority of
the radioactivity was attached to the surrounding asphalt, concrete or soil, with some
attached to the loose sand present in some penetrator holes. In many cases, the
radioactivity was so low that it was hardly detectable.
3. There is no significant risk related to these contamination points in terms of possible
contamination of air, water or plants. The only risk of any significance would be that
someone touched the contamination point, thereby contaminating their hands (with a risk
of subsequent transfer to the mouth), or directly ingested the contaminated soil. However,
with reasonable assumptions on intake of soil, the corresponding radiological risk would
be insignificant, while from a toxicological point of view, the possible intake might be
somewhat higher than the applicable health standards"
иными словами, если вы нашли в косово кусок урана, и, не преодолели соблазна взять его в руки - обязательно вымойте их (руки) перед едой. более никаких рисков и опасностей, связанных с радиационным заражением, нет
затрахан АНОНИМом. без вариантов.