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НГС.Форум /Работа и карьера / Образование в Новосибирске /

Желающие практиковать English - объединяйтесь!

  • I have new idea! =)

    We can talk online, using skype for example. This in case if somebody has no time, bla-bla.

    Of couse it is better to talk one-to-one in real.. life. You know.

    But online talking is the option.

  • Very sad.. I doesn't look that there is a lot of people who wants to practice English =(

    I'm going to travel for few days. Will be back on Saturday or Sunday. In the end of this week I hope to see some new messages here.

    BB for now

  • Похоже молодой человек убил всех наповал - и по-английски ничего умного не напишешь, и по-русски вроде уже неудобно :улыб:Я тоже хочу присоединиться к сообществу практикующихся, только соберёмся ли?
    Ещё есть вопросы.
    1) Мы все разного уровня, как мы сможем общаться только на английском? Всё равно придётся останавливаться и объяснять тем, кто не понял (мне кажется многие неуверенные в своих знаниях задаются этим вопросом, я в том числе)
    2) То же касается фильмов - придётся останавливаться, или потом прокручивать спорные моменты.
    (у меня кстати есть двд-рипы с титрами и без, комедии и просто фильмы о природе BBC в HD, только квартиру предложить не могу пока :()
    3) Как мы узнаем, вдруг мы ошибаемся - ведь если уровень у всех одинаковый примерно, а никакого носителя или на худой конец адванседа у нас не будет? Чему мы тогда научимся?

    В общем, можете называть меня занудой, спорить не буду, но меня эти вопросы волнуют. Чтобы развеять сомнения - надо встречаться!!! Хотя на первой встрече общения видимо не сильно получится - пока перезнакомимся, обменяемся контактами, преодолеем первое стеснение. Но идея хорошая! В выходные все заняты, давайте установим денёк среди недели после работы, чтобы каждый знал, если пропустит, и планировал заранее, как курсы, а по месту - с кем-нибудь созвонился, а то на форуме договариваться сложно - не все просматривают его ежедневно.

    Excuse me, petek, I could'nt wright it in english - too many letters!!!

    Исправлено пользователем Neverstop (07.08.07 12:50)

  • That's ok Neverstop =) never mind.
    But I'd suggest to use English as often as possible. Just to practise =)

    Answering on your questions:

    1. That's normal situation when somebody does not understand something. But I whould suggest to use Enlish to explain it.. This approach has two benefits: teller should be able to explain something to another person - some new word or phrase etc, but by another words. Do you get idea? =) So, teller practises. Listener should be able to understand. He practises to listen and unrestand =)

    2. And what is the problem? So do I. I stop the movie, rewind it back to some episode, use vocabulary to translate and understand. That's fine. This is an area for discussion =)

    3. Everybody has some experience and knowledge, right? We do not consider newbies and begginers. Thus, we can share our knowledge. We can fix each other when we see that somebody makes pronunciation or grammar mistakes.

    The idea is to practise. And we can easily reach this point =) I want just to talk in English with somebody. Not just singing songs alone in my car:улыб:

    As for me. I am ready to meet up on this week either on Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • By the way, the phrase "sh@t happens" did not originate from Forrest Gump; the movie only suggested a - fictional - explanation of its origins. Thus, the copyright used in your signature is not applicable:улыб:

  • I know :(.
    2 petec & all: So, tomorrow? I.e. today? :улыб:Or next Tuesday/Wednesday?

  • I'm ready today. August 8, from 7 till 8 p.m.

    Looks that there are only two of us =) I think that's ok. We can try to meet and talk and others whould envy us =))))

  • Now we may sing together in your/my car :friends:
    Where? In Perv. square? Very traditionally... :death:

    What are you think about the dictionary? It is a bad idea to take it there? Or not?...

    Исправлено пользователем Neverstop (08.08.07 11:40)

  • В ответ на: Now we may sing together in your/my car :friends:

    I'd prefer some cafe, like Travellers or something else.

    About dictionary. I always have one in my pocket pc:улыб:
    So, are you ready to meet tonight? Then just give me a call (+7-913-987-8301), we can discuss a place and time.

  • I have no pocket pc :cray-1:
    I'll call you.

    Hey, everybody!
    Today, August,8, Wednesday, 19.30 +/- 30 min. at center!
    About place - call Peter (7-913-987-8301) or me (7-913-942-0512) in the evening (18.00 or later)

  • Эй, ну где вы все, желающие??? Мы встретились, нам очень понравились, общение было приятным и интересным, присоединяйтесь! Планируем встречаться раз в неделю после работы, в 19.00-20.00. Не решён пока вопрос о просмотре фильмов, то есть о месте. А так впечатления остались самые позитивные, кажется такие встречи будут очень полезными. Так что записываейтесь на следующую неделю, может также в среду, может и нет (во вторник я точно не смогу!!!).

  • Алло, желающие!
    Планируется встреча на следующей неделе (вторник-четверг), так же 19.00-20.00 +/- 30 мин. В прошлый раз 2 часа общались, присоединиться до 21.00 ещё не поздно. Желающие пишите сюда, подробнее о месте звоните в день встречи как и в прошлый раз :миг:после 18.00 мне или petek'у, тлф на предыдущей странице.

  • Guys! Stop speak Russian!!! We're need to practice english, aren't we? So we should write text only in English. If somebody can't understand something we'll try to explain it more easily.
    If you can't (or think that you can't :)) write a sentence - you should try it anyway! :tease:

  • Oh! New person here!! would you like to join our 'meetings'?:улыб:Although we had only one. And only two persons from this forum have participated.

  • That's a good suggestion :live: , but i'm very busy now because i'm started intensive "fluent development course" in EF school and also i have too much work on my job. I think that's will be possible in September, might be earlier. Of course i'm ready to communicate with everybody in this topic. :agree:

  • В ответ на: Guys! Stop speak Russian!!! We're need to practice english, aren't we? So we should write text only in English. If somebody can't understand something we'll try to explain it more easily.
    If you can't (or think that you can't :)) write a sentence - you should try it anyway! :tease:
    And who will correct me? Who will tell me - is my sentence right or wrong?

  • A young man from this forum called me yesterday. He wants to take part in our meetings. But I have no time this week :cray-1: And the weather...you see...

  • Weather is not an issue:улыб:we can sit inside somewhere.
    That's sad that you have no time.. I wanted to suggest this Thursday.

  • Tomorrow? Hm... I want too!!! But I don't know.. I'll call you. Hey! Is anybody wants to meet tomorrow? I'll try to join you.

  • fix: "Does anybody want..."

  • В ответ на: And who will correct me? Who will tell me - is my sentence right or wrong?
    - i think everebody try to do it :-) At least everybody can ask -"is it mistake or not?" Also we can consult with books, other people, etc

  • hallo everybody!

    I would like to join your speaking club...:) So when and where will be next

    Исправлено пользователем serenderu (22.08.07 16:42)

  • Hi, serenderu! That's perfect:улыб:

    Possibly - tomorrow, August 22, after 7-8 P.M.
    Check this topic tomorrow.

  • Possibly - tomorrow, August 22, after 9 P.M I'll join to you...:улыб:or no... :cray-1:

  • how about meeting today? when and where? who is going?

  • You are not ment without me???

  • we can not arrange meeting I think it is easier to visit existing
    speaking clubs. Who knows where there are existing English speaking clubs? or where
    can we meet native language speakers?

  • Hello! What about you last meeting? Is it was fun?

    В ответ на: I think it is easier to visit existing
    speaking clubs
    - that is a problem, because i asked a lot of people about an existing speacing club - they didn't know about that.

  • See my post. There was no meeting...

    ==i asked a lot of people about an existing speacing club - they didn't know about that. ==
    That is the reason why we must meet!

  • What about today? Let's meet and speek!

  • Guys, probably, I'm mistaken, but there actually was an English Speaking Club at the American Center at the Library on Sovetskaya St. They meet twice a week on Tuesday in the evening (I'm not sure) and on Saturday around 12 (or 2) - watching American movies... It's free :yes.gif: I tried going there a couple of times, but people were not very active.. Why not meet there next time? (My test results are 47(Advanced) and 64(Expert) ;)) if you like, i might learn the schedule

  • Yanoo! What've i found! Helga Hi! Tired of problems!!! World is interesting? don't want be blue any more.Yesterday cried. now wish some fresh air. Take me to your club! please. May be I and my son will some day join you and meet you all. Say when and where. :agree:

  • hello everybody! i would also like to join your meetings. Do they still happen? I need speaking practice a lot. I'm ready to meet with you in the centre (traveller's is perfect!) almost everyday. After 18 p.m.


    Руководитель и ведущий тренер школы ораторского мастерства "Человек Слова"

  • as I know now no one meets. There were many guys who would like to
    meet and practice English but there were only one or two meetings:хммм:
    I am also would like to practice so we could meet:улыб:

  • Hello! I'd also like to participate. When and where?

  • Ребят, извините, что вмешиваюсь - старенькие "подписчики" вроде передумали, так что лучше на них не надеяться. Спишитесь между собой в личке, иначе никогда не соберетесь, а потом уже результаты с датой, местом и временем встречи опубликуйте здесь.

  • Да, ребята, госпожа Макарова абсолютно права. Во всяком случае, у меня сейчас нет времени на подобные встречи. Собирайтесь, общайтесь - это же так здорово!:улыб:

    Вера - оазис в сердце, которого никогда не достигнуть каравану мышления.

  • Да не передумали, очень хочу встречаться, но сейчас у меня в жизни не самые приятные обстоятельства сложились, что если и выдаётся свободный вечер - то спонтанно, тогда мало кого соберёшь. Может ближе к зиме время будет - тогда и примусь за дело, всем напишу, буду организовывать, это я умею, ведь одна-то встреча была и желающие потом нашлись.

  • У меня, например, полностью выходной тока суббота!!!! И то в этот день столько всего сделать нужно.......:хммм:А там я очень хочу, так что если какая-то встреча соберестя в какую-то субботу - я ЗА!!!

  • Guys, you'd better search for a foreigner in our town. Almost 2 years ago I met a girl from the Philippines and we had a really good time speaking and walking. And after that I had to go on a business travel, and I lost my contacts.
    That girl, just like many others, is one of those working here for the international company.

    Ms. makarova, sorry, replied to you by mistake. I meant "На первый", hehe.

    Исправлено пользователем lebanese (22.11.07 18:15)

  • А в библиотеке на советской кто нить был? Там раз в неделю проходит говорят...
    Хоть какая то регулярность.. Не раз в полгода:улыб:

  • Ну я вот даже не представляю, где их искать, хотя конечно хотелось бы, идея супер.

    Люди, давайте может опять попробуем организоваться, закидываю первую удочку: кто хочет? предложения по дню и месту в студию! (хотя бы раз встретиться в ближайшее время, а то через неделю новогодний ажиотаж, корпоративы, утренники захлестнут полностью, а потом договоримся ещё на посленовогодние дни, когда протрезвеют все :superng:).

  • Hi there guys!

    I'm back in action:улыб:I was the one who has met once with Neverstop last summer.

    I've been travelling (business travels) a lot during Fall and simply had no time for this topic. Also, I had some private problems... But now I'm back in Novosibirsk and want to resume our practice.

    I may attend the meeting in the evening on Wednesday or Thursday this week, 7 p.m. and later.

    Neverstop, how about you?
    Anybody else?

  • Peter, I knew that you'll be the first :миг:

    I think Thursday, but where?

  • =)

    I'd suggest the same place - Travellers on Krasniy, 86.

    But actually, I would prefer more quiet place (it's winter and outside tables cannot be used:улыб:so, it can be quite loudly inside). But have nothing to suggest yet.

  • I could join the meeting, so when and where?:улыб:

  • See petek's posts!
    Thursday, 13/12, 19.00, Travellers Coffee on Krasniy 86

  • I'll finish working today after 7 p.m..
    Thus, suggest to start around 8 p.m. tonight.

  • as I understood - meeting will be at 8 o'clock (p.m.), so who is

  • At least me and Neverstop are going.
    What about you?

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