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  • I need TOEFL preparation course books! Could anybody give me them?

  • I have electronic version of exercises for preparing for Toefl. If u need it I'll find.

    и опыт , сын ошибок трудных....

  • Thank you, Babe! But I need only paper based version. It's more convenient for studying.

  • You should probably visit the ACTR ACCELS Education Center at Prospect Lavrentyeva 17. Their phone number is 30-39-43. You'll find plenty of paper based stuff there

  • And what about special courses for preparing Toefl?

    и опыт , сын ошибок трудных....

  • I think with all the materials gathered at the Accels Educational Center you can do just fine without any courses. But I guess it also depends on the level of your English.

  • В ответ на: And what about special courses for preparing Toefl?
    Try Interlang - 39-64-44. To my knowledge, they have TOEFL courses.

  • If you are going to be an international student in America, it's so easy without TOEFL, just take couple classes online right now at Dickinson State University. Need more information? Let's go to our russian sitewww.dickinsonstate.ru. See you soon.

  • Yeah, the people around the world will sure bow to your _online_ degree obtained from a _North Dakota_ university :ха-ха!: You may even become a night shift supervisor in Wal-Mart or something :ха-ха!:

  • :live: Well, stay in Russia all your funny life.

  • No, go to the US and work at Wal-Mart all your funny life... But if you want to RUN Wal-Marts, I think you should take TOEFL and earn some business degree...get real!

  • Где подростку можно сдать TOEFL IBT?

    Исправлено пользователем Звездная (16.01.13 12:07)

  • мне в свое время дали телефон записи на сдачу Тойфела. если надо - пишите в личку. но там запись на полгода вперед, по крайней мере было так год назад. я позвонила в октябре, на декабрь мест не было уже.

    Keep calm and makeup on

  • Уже нашли, записались. Сдача в марте

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