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  • I am wondering if anyone here had passed TOELF. Can you share your experience, please? I do not mean the routine side -- "there was a reading and answers, then a voice recognition part, and then we should write an essay" -- that does make interest, but can be easily found in open sources.

    What IS a point of interest -- your feelings, in case you can recall them. What did you pass the test for? What did you expect of it? Was it nervous? How much points did you get? Was it easy for you to get this result? Were you satisfied with it? What would you change if you could take the test again? After all, what was the most complicated for you?:улыб:

  • I took TOEFL in May, 2003. I needed it to study in a University in North America.
    I was pretty nervous before the exam started, mostly because of all this pre-exam fuss, but then I got a grip on myself and the exam went pretty smoothly.
    The thing is you really have to watch the time, because it's pretty limited. You shouldn't get distracted or go too deep into thought 'cause there's not much to think about.
    The most complicated is listening (Surprise,surpirise!). Even if you understand every word they say, the dialogue might contain an idiomatic expression that you do not know.
    I got 647 for the test and 5.5 for the essay, and I was absolutely satisfied with that .:улыб:

    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. (Terry Pratchett)

  • Is TOEFL an international exam? If I pass it, will be the certification valid for the rest of my life?

  • В ответ на: Is TOEFL an international exam? If I pass it, will be the certification valid for the rest of my life?
    If you plan to live no longer than 3 yrs:улыб:

  • Thank you for your answer :-)
    I have heard about an exam that gives the "everlasting" certification. Is there such exam? What is it called?

  • В ответ на: I have heard about an exam that gives the "everlasting" certification. Is there such exam? What is it called?
    Maybe SAT or GRE

    Нельзя понять непонятное.
    Пузьма Кротков.

  • В ответ на: Maybe SAT or GRE
    Nope, GRE is valid for 5 yrs only; besides, it is not a language test per se.

  • Your Toefl score is really good:улыб:
    I wonder how did you get such kind of level in english?
    Living abroud or what?

  • В ответ на: besides, it is not a language test per se.
    Yes, i remembered later, but it was too late to correct my message :улыб:

    Нельзя понять непонятное.
    Пузьма Кротков.

  • Funny to find out how many people are still shaking thinking of good old TOEFL. What you need it for? Study abroad? Hmm...I'd rather take TOEIC - shows up you level of understanding and conversating not like idiomatic EFL. Believe me - just a few of such expressions will be dumped on you, talking of americans.
    Good luck!

  • Thanx! My score is the result of my outstanding intellectual ability and massive language learning talent :хехе:
    I haven't lived abroad (not until now), I am an English teacher, so my English happens to be really good.

    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. (Terry Pratchett)

  • Pitman ESOL. It is a British examination, and it is not recognized by North American institutions.

    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. (Terry Pratchett)

  • By the way, who knows how can I apply my Pitman Qualifications Certificate here and now? What about FCE, CAE or BEC? Do they have any value?

  • The only application of Pitman certificate is showing it to your grandchildren :ухмылка:. It isn't recognized neither by educational institutions nor by foreign employers (partly because of the fact that it is life-long).
    FCE, CAE and BEC are Cambridge examinations. This is a respectful institution and the results will be probably recognized in Europe. If you plan to study or work in North America, check with each particular institution you want to apply to.

    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. (Terry Pratchett)

  • Pitman can be recognised by some American institutions, but you need to double check it with a particular university/college. Cambridge exams are everlasting:)) and they can also be accepted in Sates as well as IELTS, but again it depends on the partucular university. One of my friends was accepted to the college in the US with her Advanced Pitman level, However I entered the University in the US with TOEFL, which was a computer -based exam, my score was 280 out of 300 , to enter the university you need 213.

  • Thanks, pal, but I am currently a student of the University of Toronto. My TOEFL score was not too bad either :ухмылка:
    Neither of the universities I applied to mentioned Pitman as a valid examination. IELTS is a totally different story.

    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. (Terry Pratchett)

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