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  • Hi. Does anyone know something about this band?
    Who is that guy, who sings (speaks?) recitative in their song called "Bring me to life"? Is he a composer or a text writer or smb else?
    Does anyone have texts of their songs? And what is above song about? Who knows?
    It was a soundtack for a movie? Who knows what 's the name of the movie? I'd like to watch it.

  • Hm. Of course I've made a mistake. The name of the band is _Evanescence_. :смущ:
    Just a typing error.

  • В ответ на: Hi. Does anyone know something about this band?
    Who is that guy, who sings (speaks?) recitative in their song called "Bring me to life"? Is he a composer or a text writer or smb else?
    Does anyone have texts of their songs? And what is above song about? Who knows?
    It was a soundtack for a movie? Who knows what 's the name of the movie? I'd like to watch it.
    Learn how to use Google - lots of answers in there:улыб:
    http://www.evanescence.com - for example:улыб:
    The name of the movie is "Dare Devil".


    "Bring Me To Life"
    (feat. Paul McCoy)

    how can you see into my eyes like open doors
    leading you down into my core
    where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
    until you find it there and lead it back home

    (Wake me up)
    Wake me up inside
    (I can’t wake up)
    Wake me up inside
    (Save me)
    call my name and save me from the dark
    (Wake me up)
    bid my blood to run
    (I can’t wake up)
    before I come undone
    (Save me)
    save me from the nothing I’ve become

    now that I know what I’m without
    you can't just leave me
    breathe into me and make me real
    bring me to life

    (Wake me up)
    Wake me up inside
    (I can’t wake up)
    Wake me up inside
    (Save me)
    call my name and save me from the dark
    (Wake me up)
    bid my blood to run
    (I can’t wake up)
    before I come undone
    (Save me)
    save me from the nothing I’ve become

    frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

    all this time I can't believe I couldn't see
    kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
    I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
    got to open my eyes to everything
    without a thought without a voice without a soul
    don't let me die here
    there must be something more
    bring me to life

    (Wake me up)
    Wake me up inside
    (I can’t wake up)
    Wake me up inside
    (Save me)
    call my name and save me from the dark
    (Wake me up)
    bid my blood to run
    (I can’t wake up)
    before I come undone
    (Save me)
    save me from the nothing I’ve become

    (Bring me to life)
    I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside
    (Bring me to life)

  • Thank you, Givi, for your answer and the text of the song.
    I don't know why hadn't I used Google before but I've done that as soon as you suggested me to. :улыб:
    I like this text more than texts of e.g. "Garbage" - it's not so... cruel(?).

  • No problemo:улыб:
    They were on CNN yesterday, BTW. Nothing interesting though - the usual babbling about how their personal emotions inspire their songs, how they are working 24/7 in the studio, how cruel is the showbiz world, blah, blah...

  • This girl has liked me. She has a good body and the beautiful face, I think.

  • В ответ на: This girl has liked me
    Lucky you are! Did she see your photos?:улыб:

    I'm the son of rage and love.

  • He He
    No! She asked me about foto, but I have sad "No"

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